Games - Part Two

Zero gravity

Select one Beaver to be the earthbound mortal who cannot fly into space. Other Beavers, with their magic zero gravity shoes, are safe as long as they can balance on a stone, hang from a tree, hug a lighthouse - anything to stay off the ground. The earthbound 'It' may guard closely any Beaver who is losing his grip and is soon to fall back to earth. Anyone tagged while on the ground loses his magic shoes and becomes 'It'.


Racket Squad

Mark start and finish lines about 10 yards apart. Each Beaver takes a balloon, blows it up, and ties a knot in it. Beavers line up at the start line with balloons balanced on their wire rackets. When the leader says 'Go', Beavers begin to walk quickly toward the finish line, balancing their balloons without letting them blow off. Beavers may not use hands to touch balloons; however, if a balloon falls off, the Beaver stops, picks up the balloon, counts to three, and continues.


Overall Understanding

Beavers are divided into two teams. Teams line up in parallel rows with Beavers standing behind one another. The first Beaver on each team is given a basketball, beach ball or balloon. When the leader says 'Go', the first Beaver on each line passes the ball backward over his head to the second Beaver. The second Beaver passes the ball under his legs to the next Beaver behind, and so forth. The ball continues to be passed backward down the line, alternately over and under, until it reaches the last Beaver. The last Beaver, receiving the ball, runs to the front of his line and begins to pass the ball backward again. This continues until every Beaver on the line has a chance to be at the beginning. The team whose first Beaver gets to the front of the line again first is the winner.


Overall Understanding variation

At one end of the Meeting Place, form a single line with the entire Colony. Four or five balls or balloons will be needed to play. One by one, the first Beaver takes each ball or balloon and passes it backward overhead to the next Beaver. The next Beaver passes it under his legs to the next Beaver, and this continues alternately down the line. When the last Beaver receives a ball, he runs to the front of the line and starts again. With four or five balls moving down the line, and Beavers running to the front of the line, the line will move slowly across the Meeting Place.


Line switch (Outside game)

Divide the Colony into two teams. On a sidewalk or paved area, draw a line of squares with a piece of chalk. Allow one space for each Beaver. Leave an empty square in the center between the two teams. The object of the game is for all the Beavers on one side of the blank space to switch places with the Beavers on the other side. Have Beavers stand in the squares. One team will be on one side of the empty square, one team on the other. To begin, the leader yells 'Line Switch'. One at a time, Beavers may move forward into the free spot or jump over an occupied space to a free one. Only one Beaver is allowed per space. When both teams have successfully maneuvered to the opposite side of the empty center square, everyone wins.


Lean in, Lean Out

All Beavers join hands and form a circle. The circle must be large enough so that everyone can hold their arms at shoulder height. It is also important that everyone is around the same height and weight for best results. Before starting, each Beaver is given either the number one or two. As the leader, either include or exclude yourself so that there is an even number of Beavers in the circle. You are now ready to begin. On the count of three all the number ones will lean in and all the number twos will lean out. It is important to encourage the Beavers to move slowly, so that their weight is evenly distributed at a constant rate. Ask the Beavers to speak up if they need the participants on either side of them to either increase, or decrease their weight by moving their bodies accordingly. It will most likely take a few practice trials before Beavers will feel comfortable trusting the others. With encouragement and co-operation they will soon be able to master the techniques. Once the Beavers feel comfortable with this exercise, see how many times the ones and twos can switch positions without letting go of each other. Help the Beavers change positions by orally guiding them through the switch.


Smiling Faces

This game is most successful when played with small groups of 15 Beavers or less. Have everyone form a close circle, sitting on the ground. On the count of three, Beavers put on their most serious faces and stare into the eyes of the others, trying not to be the first Beaver to laugh or smile. The first Beaver to break the spell goes into the middle of the circle and lies on his back. The others gather round, and on the word 'go', tickle the Beaver until he yells 'Stop !'. After being tickled the Beaver joins the circle once again, but now tries to make the other laugh, doing anything except touching them. Continue until everyone has been tickled.


Food for Thought

The game begins with a statement such as 'I saw a candy bar; I one it.' In turn, Beavers reply 'I two it,' 'I three it', 'I four it,' etc., until one Beaver says "I eight it.' Older Beavers may want to use such objects as rocks, dead horses, skunks, etc., but perhaps it is best to use more desirable objects with younger Beavers.



All Beavers except one who is 'It' form a circle. 'It' stands inside the circle and tosses a handkerchief into the air. Everyone, including 'It' must laugh until the handkerchief touches the floor. Then there must be perfect silence. Anyone laughing after the handkerchief touches the floor becomes 'It', and the previous 'It' joins the circle.


Pass it On

Beavers line up in two equal teams. One filled container is placed at the front end of each team and an empty container at the back. At a signal, the first Beaver takes one object at a time out of the front container and passes them down the line to be deposited into the empty container at the back of the line. If an item is dropped, it must be passed back to the head of the line and started again. The first team to transfer all the items wins.


Poor Pussy

One Beaver is the pussy. The other Beavers form a circle, sitting around pussy. Pussy moves on hands and knees to a Beaver who must pet Pussy's head three times and say "poor Pussy, poor Pussy, poor Pussy' without smiling. Pussy meows and tries to make the Beaver smile. If pussy is successful, the Beaver must take Pussy's place.


Shoe Scramble

Each Beaver removes shoes and places in a pile. The Beavers move to a starting line 10 to 15 feet away, and at the signal the Beavers try to retrieve and put on their own shoes (not necessary to tie or buckle. The first Beaver back to the starting line wins. What animal Am I ? Wrap as many different animal crackers as there are Beavers; place in bowl. Beavers for a circle. Each Beaver selects one wrapped animal cracker and unwraps the animal cracker but does not let the other Beavers see it. Beavers take turns standing inside the circle, acting like the animal on the Beaver's cracker. The other Beavers then try to guess which animal is being imitated.


Squat tag

One Beaver is designated 'It'; the other Beavers scatter over the game area. The only way to avoid being tagged is to squat down and call out 'Squat'. "It" tries to tag one of the Beavers in order to exchange places.


Coin Drop

Preparation: Large wide-mouth container full of water with a small jar or glass sunk in the middle; five small coins for each Beaver; a few additional coins for play-offs. How: The container is set on the floor, and one at a time the Beavers try to drop their coins from a standing position into the sunken jar or glass. Each Beaver's score is kept, and a tie for first is decided with a sudden death play-off. The winner keeps the coins outside the small jar or glass; the runner-up gets to keep the coins in the small jar or glass.



One Beaver is selected to start the game. The Beaver says "I am thinking of something that is in this room that is (names the colour of the object.)" The rest of the Beavers try to guess the correct object. The first Beaver to guess correctly becomes the new selector of the object to be guessed.


Fishing for paper clips

Preparation: Empty a box of paper clips into a cardboard box with high sides; a magnet on a string. How: the cardboard box of paper clips is placed in the center of a table. The first Beaver is given the magnet on the string and tries to get as may paper clips as he can.


Peanut butter and jelly

All of the Beavers stand in a circle. Beavers pass one of the balls, "Peanut Butter," around the circle. To make things sticky, the second ball, "Jelly," is tossed from Beaver to Beaver in any direction. Beavers must keep both balls moving without stopping. The object of the game is for the Jelly to catch up with the Peanut Butter. When one Beaver catches both balls, everyone shouts "Peanut butter and jelly!" Then everyone starts again.


Airplane race

Preparation: One cone-shaped paper cup with a hole cut in the bottom and 15 feet of string or twine for each team. Pass the string through the hole in the cup. How: Beavers are divided into teams of three. Two Beavers on each team hold either end of the twine and line up side-by-side with the other teams. The third member of each team stands at one end of the twine with the paper cup and, at a given signal, blows into the cup to move it the length of the twine. The first team to get the cup moved the length of the twine wins the game.


Bang relay

A pile of paper bags for each team should be on chairs at the end of the room. Every team member, in turn, races up to this pile; inflates and bursts a bag; runs back and touches off the next Beaver.


Thirsty Race

Requires jugs of water, tumblers and straws. Each runner pours out a tumblerful of water and drinks it through a straw, before returning to the starting point.


Pea Relay

Each Beaver carries a pea in a teaspoon from one point to another. Place an equal number of peas in a container for each lodge, and an empty container in another point in the room.


William Tell race

Each Beaver runs with an apple (or other object) balanced on his head. The event may be either for individuals or relay teams.


Balloon Overhead

All Beavers stand for this, the teams being in two straight lines, facing inwards. The end Beaver of each line holds a balloon, and at the starting signal they pat them over their heads to their neighbours. The second Beavers pass similarly to the third, and so the balloons travel down the lines. The first to reach the end marks the winning team.


Floor balloon

Played with all Beavers sitting on the floor, in two straight lines. Each Beaver should sit with legs straight forward, so that his feet are pressed against the feet of the opposite opponent. Then the balloon is patted by hand, and a goal scored each time it is made to fall to the floor behind the back of either team.


Balloon football

Two teams line up facing each other. A string down the middle marks the line each team may not cross. Each team has a balloon. It is important that two balloons are in play all the time, as this makes the game more exciting. At the word 'Go', each team has to try to get their balloon over the heads of the other team, and onto the floor behind them. Each time they do this, they score a goal. The teams must not divide into front and back rows for attack and defence.


Fly swat

One Beaver is blindfolded, and stands at the middle of the room. He holds a baton of rolled-up newspaper. Whenever he hears a buzz at his ear he swipes at the one who is making the sound. He must never swipe except when there is a buzzing. No Beaver should buzz except by the ear of the blindfolded one.


Wool Gathering

Scatter about the meeting place 3" lengths of coloured wool, and allow your Beavers to collect them. You can either assign a point value to each individual colour and the team with the most points wins.


Checker golf

A smooth floor is needed for this. Mark chalk rings for 'holes' at convenient points, numbering them from 1 to 9 in proper golf fashion. The balls are checkers or wood circles instead of golf balls, and are driven along by being flicked by finger and thumb.


Musical Bumps

Everyone jumps up and down in time to the music. Each time it stops, they all sit down. Pick out the last one to sit down, but don't make them sit out for the rest of the game. The winners can be the ones who have never been last.


Perpetual Motion

Beavers sit in a circle on the floor and count off so that each Beaver has a number. Place a frisbee or a metal plate on the floor in the center of the circle. The first Beaver gets up, turns the disc on edge and spins it as you would a coin. As the Beaver sits down, he calls out the number of another Beaver. The Beaver whose number is called jumps up, gets the disc before it stops, give it another spin, and calls out another Beaver's number before sitting down. Beavers continue calling each other's numbers and keeping the disc spinning. If the disc completely stops spinning, a Beaver starts it again. The object of the game is to co-operate in keeping the disc spinning, not to trick other Beavers.


Kangaroo relay

Divide the group into two teams and have Beavers line up, one behind the other. Place a chair about ten feet in front of each team. The first Beavers place a ball between their knees, hop around the chair, and return to tag the next Beavers in line. Beavers may touch the ball with their hands to pass it to the next Beaver or to pick it up when dropped, but they cannot move while touching the ball with their hands. The first team to send every member around the chair and back is the winner.


Water Brigade (Outside game)

Divide the Beavers into two teams. Teams stand in two parallel lines. Place a bucket at either end of each team. Fill the buckets at one end of each team with water while the buckets on the opposite end remain empty. Give each Beaver a disposable cup. The object of the game is for each team to transfer the water from the filled bucket - cup by cup - to the empty buckets. When the leader says "go", the first Beavers on each team dip their cups into their buckets. The water is passed from Beaver to Beaver on each team by pouring it into the next cup. The last Beavers pour their cups into the empty bucket.


Stringing along

Cut 75 to 100 pieces of string of varying lengths - from 2 inches to several feet. Hide each piece of string someplace in the room before Beavers arrive. Have Beavers stand in the middle of the room. Divide the groups into two teams and explain that you've hidden pieces of string, pointing out the more obvious ones. The object of the game is for each team to find and tie together as many strings as possible. Since the strings are not the same length, the winning team will not necessarily be the one with the largest number of strings, but the one with the longest line. When it seems that most strings have been found and tied, have teams stretch their lines of string next to each other to compare. The team with the longest string is the winner.


Icicle Tag

Choose one Beaver to be the 'sun', the rest of the Beavers are 'icicles'. The sun must run around and touch as many icicles as possible. When an icicle is touched, he must 'melt' and fall down. This continues until all the icicles are melted.


Pencil Game

A pencil is passed around to each Beaver, who is to mime an action with it, e.g., eating a cob of corn, hitting a ball, etc. The other Beavers have to guess what the action the Beaver is doing.


Feather Puff

The Beavers sit in a ring, which should not be too large. One of them throws up a small feather, and immediately all begin to blow it. No one must move any part of his body but the head. Should the feather fall on any Beaver that one is out of the game - thus the aim of each is to make the feather touch someone else, and to protect oneself. As fewer Beavers remain, they should draw into a smaller ring.


Handkerchief tag

The amount of running about in this game can be determined by the number of Beavers and the size of the room. It does not even matter if most of those taking part stand still all through. One Beaver is 'It', and remains so until he succeeds in tagging, or touching, some other Beaver. But the others toss a handkerchief about between them, and 'It' can only touch another Beaver who is holding the handkerchief.


Bean-bag golf

The holes can be tins or boxes, scattered about the floor, and numbered so that they can be played in proper order. No clubs or balls are needed. Instead, each Beaver has a bean-bag which he tosses into the hole. When a bean-bag falls on the floor, outside a hole, it must be tossed again from the point where it is picked up.



A casual game where Beavers are asked to act out certain actions for other Beavers to guess. They can think them up on their own, or the leaders can give ideas, e.g., doing dishes, cutting the hedge, going to the store, driving a bus, etc.


Lemon golf

This is played as nearly as possible in the manner of ordinary golf - but with lemons and walking-sticks. For holes you may have chalked rings on the floor, or circular pieces of paper, cloth or cardboard, laid about. Until you have tried to knock a lemon about the floor, and make it go in a straight course, you have no idea of what an awkward fruit it can be.


Simon Says

One Beaver is Simon. He stands facing the others and shouts out instructions, such as 'Simon says, "touch your toes". Everyone has to obey. But if he leaves out the 'Simon says', anyone who obeys the instruction is 'out'.


Squeak, piggy, squeak

Everyone sits on the floor except for one Beaver, who is blindfolded. He tries to catch hold of the others. Each time he does, he says "Squeak, piggy, squeak" and the Beaver has to squeak. If he guesses who it is, the squeaker is blindfolded.


Sneaky Peter

One Beaver is blindfolded and sits on a chair with a teddy underneath it. The others try to sneak the teddy away without him catching hold of them. When someone is caught, he becomes 'It'.


Pipe Line

Give each Beaver a piece of construction paper and two paper clips. Have Beavers roll their papers into 12-inch cylinders with a 1-inch overlap. Fasten ends with paper clips. Separate the group into two teams and have them stand in two parallel lines. Tell teams to hold their paper cylinders end to end to create a long pipe. Crush two pieces of paper into balls small enough to fit through the cylinders. Say 'go' and drop the paper balls into the ends of the first two cylinders. Team members must jiggle the paper balls from one cylinder to the next. If a paper ball drops on the floor, the last Beaver must pick it up and try again. Passes can only be made from cylinder to cylinder. When the paper ball gets to the last Beaver's cylinder, teams must reverse the passing. The first team to get the paper ball back to the beginning is the winner.


Hot Stuff

Gather everyone in a circle. Leader starts as the Caller, selecting a number from 1 to 50 (or less). As the Beavers stand in the circle, passing the ball from Beaver to Beaver, the caller counts aloud to the preselected number, then yells 'Hot Stuff'. Meanwhile, the Beavers in the circle must keep the ball moving from Beaver to Beaver. When the Caller yells 'Hot stuff', the Beaver with the ball, (or if the ball is between Beavers, the Beaver just about to catch the ball) leaves the circle and joins the Caller. As more and more Beavers leave the circle, the Caller group becomes larger and larger, and the counting becomes louder and louder. The original Caller tells the new Callers the number to which the group will count. As the game dwindles to two Beavers passing the ball back and forth, the last Beaver left without the ball when the callers yell 'Hot Stuff' will the the winner.


Partner Pull-up

Partners sit down facing each other with the soles of their feet on the floor, toes touching. Partners reach forward, bending their knees if they must, and grasp hands. By pulling together, both come up to a stand and then try to return to a sitting position.


Partner Back-up

Two Beavers sit back to back, knees bent. From this position they try to stand up by pushing against each other's backs without moving their feet. Sitting down again can also be attempted. If the Beavers are successful, propose that from a halfway position they try to move like a spider. . .


Mile of Yarn

This is an interesting way to knit Beavers together. One Beaver starts with a bright ball of thick yarn, or a strip of material, wraps the end of the yarn around his waist, and passes the ball to another Beaver. He wraps it around his waist, and passes it to another child, and so on. Once the whole group has been intertwined in yarn, the whole process is reversed. The last Beaver begins to rewind the ball, passes it to the next Beaver, and so on until the fully wound ball reaches the first Beaver.


Shoe twister

Each Beaver removes one shoe and places it in a pile. Everyone then picks up someone else's shoe, and while holding the shoe (method left up to Beaver's ingenuity) everyone joins hands, forming a large circle. Each Beaver then locates the owner of the shoe that he is holding, and all Beavers exchange shoes without breaking their joined hands. Once all shoes have been returned to their owners, the circle is reformed and Beavers make another pile of shoes to start the game again.


Sticky Popcorn

The Beavers begin this game by 'popping' - jumping or hopping -about the Meeting Place as individual pieces of sticky popcorn, searching for other pieces of popcorn. When one piece of popcorn comes into contact with another piece, they stick together. Once stuck, they continue to pop around together, sticking to other pieces, until they all end up in a big popcorn ball.


Fish Gobbler

Select a caller, known as the Fish Gobbler. The caller shouts 'ship', and all of the Beavers run toward the wall to which he points. On the shout 'shore' they quickly change directions and run toward the opposite wall. On the signal 'Fish Gobbler', the Beavers quickly drop to the floor on their stomachs and link arms, legs, or bodies together with one or more friends.


The Fish

Gobbler moves around the room with arms outstretched like a big bird swimming toward the other Beavers but not touching any of them. The Beavers are all 'safe' as long as they are all physically linked together. Once the Fish Gobbler sees that everyone is linked to someone else, the signal 'Rescue' is called. At his moment all the Beavers jump to their feet, join hands, and yell 'Yah', raising their joined hands over their heads. Various other calls could be added, such as 'Sardines' -everyone runs to a central point to make the tightest group possible by either lying on the floor or forming a massive standing hug; 'Fishermen All' - everyone sits on someone else's knee or knees; 'Crabs' - everyone backs up to a partner, bends over, and reaches under their own legs to hold hands.



Partners simply lie stretched out on the floor, feet to feet, and attempt to roll across the floor keeping their toes touching throughout. Toesies can also be attempted with only the toes of the right feet connected, with legs crisscrossed, or in a sitting position, rolling toe to toe.


Group pull-ups

Group pull-ups add fun to exercise and introduce an element of creative challenge. Players begin in a seated circle of four. Grasping hands or arms, they try pulling up to stand as a unit. If successful, they can try a circle of six or eight Beavers. The more Beavers added, the more difficult the challenge becomes. Group members can experiment and discover workable ways to get up.


Jiggle and Swiggle

A stick about 24 inches long and 1 inch thick is held parallel to the ground, supported between the waist of two partners. A string about 24 inches long hangs down from the center of the stick, with a small rubber ball at the loose end. Adjust the length of the string so that the ball hangs free a few inches above the ground. The two Beavers work in unison to wind the string and ball around the stick and then to unwind it.


Rump Bump

Partners stand back to back, bend down, and place their hands on the floor in front of them, with or without bending their knees. They then place a balloon (or ball) between their behinds and try to move around without dropping it. To end the game with a bang, the partners can press their behinds together until the balloon pops.


Touch Blue

The game begins with six to eight Beavers standing in a circle. A leader calls out instructions: First, all Beavers must use their right hand to touch something that is blue on another Beaver, and hold on. It could be a bit of blue trim on a shoe or blue jeans or a blue shirt. Next, the left hand has to touch something yellow and hold on. Have the left foot touch something black and the right foot something brown, the head can touch something red, and if the group hasn't fallen into a crumpled mass, the shoulder can touch something green.


Rubber Band Toss

Each Beaver begins with a wristful of rubber bands. One Beaver tosses or shoots a rubber band onto the ground, and the Beavers then take turns throwing one rubber band at a time, trying to make it hit any other rubber band on the ground. If a Beaver is successful, he immediately picks up all the rubber bands on the ground and redistributes them among all the players. They then begin tossing again, with the winner each time being given the privilege of redistributing the rubber bands for the next game.


Crab Race

The Beavers crawl on all fours backward to a goal.


Tightrope walking

Use existing lines on the floor of the Meeting Place, or use a clothesline stretched along the ground. To walk the 'tightrope', place the heel of one foot on the start line and begin to walk - placing the heel of one foot directly to the toe of the other foot - all the way to the finish line. Divide the Colony into two teams. When the leader says "Go", members of each team begin on their tightropes. Each Beaver waits until the Beaver ahead is finished 'walking the rope' before beginning.


Rope Ring

You will need approximately 50 feet of clothesline rope with the ends tied together to make a circle. Beavers stand outside the rope in a circle, holding it with both hands. One Beaver is selected to be the Ringmaster and to stand in the middle. The Ringmaster tries to tap the hand of a ringside Beaver holding the rope. Beavers can drop the rope to avoid being tapped. The Ringmaster may try to trick Beavers by pretending to tap one Beaver and then tap another. When a Beaver is tapped while holding the rope, he becomes the next Ringmaster, and the thrills and chills continue.


Dangling Doughnut Eating contest

Ensure that you have enough doughnuts for each Beaver. Powdered sugar doughnuts are fun because the Beavers get white noses. Tie a rope, one for each Beaver, to the branches of a tree or jungle gym. Keep ropes long enough so that they are only 2 or 3 feet off the ground. Slip the other end of the rope through the doughnut hole and knot it so that the doughnut doesn't slip off. The object of the game is to be the first Beaver to eat an entire doughnut without using any hands. Beavers stand next to their doughnuts with their hands behind their backs. When the leader says "Go", Beavers begin to gobble.


Laughing matter

A single Beaver is selected to the the Laugh Igniter. He lies down on the grass. The rest of the Colony is divided into two groups. A Beaver from each lodge lies down on either side of the Laugh Igniter with his head on the Laugh Igniter's stomach. One by one Beavers lie down, placing their heads on the stomach of the last Beaver. This makes two branches of Beavers with the Laugh Igniter at the center connecting them both. This is useful when shy boys prefer separate groups. After everyone is arranged, the Laugh Igniter takes a deep breath and yells "Ha!" The two Beavers resting on his stomach yell "Ha Ha!" The Beavers resting on their stomachs yell "Ha ha ha" and so forth. The idea, of course, is that each Beaver adds to the number of "ha's" at each turn.


Yellow Jello

Gather Beavers into a close group. Tell them that they have been changed into a bowl of banana Jello (or any flavour you like). Pretend you are shaking the bowl. Begin slowly waving your hands as if you were conducting an orchestra. Jiggle quickly and vibrate the Jello more. Beavers are encouraged to act exactly the way Jello would. Stop shaking the Jello. Usually Jello will shake for awhile until it slows down to a stop. Naturally, if you leave your Jello out in the sun, it will begin to melt away all over the ground. 


Read More - Part 3