Cub Scouts (Ages 8-10)

Challenging hikes, weekend camps, and an introduction to water activities like canoeing or kayaking are just a few of the fun outdoor adventures that Cub Scouts enjoy.

With the Cub motto of "Do Your Best" front and centre, Cub Scouts are encouraged to try new and more challenging activities.  Learning important first aid skills, paddling a canoe for the first time, or leading a game at camp will open the door for Cubs to try other adventures they never thought possible.

Along the way, Cub Scouts learn how to take care of themselves and work as a team – and most importantly have a lot of fun!

The 8th Brampton Cubs meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.


The Cub Scout program focuses on six activity areas: The Natural World, Outdoors, Creative Expression, Healthy Living, Home and Community and Canada and the World. Activities include: 

  • Canadian Scout Jamboree 2013
  • Challenging hikes, weekend camps and outdoor activities
  • Water activities like canoeing and kayaking
  • Games and sports
  • Model-building 
  • Music, storytelling and play-acting

Cub Scout Promise

I promise to do my best,
To love and serve God, to do my duty to the Queen;
To keep the law of the Wolf Cub pack,
And to do a good turn for somebody every day.

Cub Scout Law

The Cub respects the Old Wolf,
The Cub respects himself/herself.

Cub Scout Motto

Do Your Best.